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How To Invest Using Your Nose

If I have to choose, then I choose… BOTH. I’ll explain. Everyone has a dream. Whether your dream is to flip burgers at your beachside restaurant or to be the next Warren Buffet, that dream exists. But with your crazy busy lifestyle, do you have the time to really think about your dream ambition? And what is the perfect dream “thing” these days?

Your Backyard’s “Acres of Diamonds”

It’s time to invest money. You know it’s important. You know there’s value in finding good investment options. But it’s your hard earned cash and you aren’t exactly sure where to begin. Before you search too far and come up empty handed, remember Russell Conwell’s (he established Temple University) story Acres of Diamonds which was first published in 1890.  He delivered the speech over 6,000 times around the world.

Boring Content is a Crime

The trend is evident: more and more companies are using digital to engage with their customers. Senior management recognizes that digital marketing and customer engagement are becoming top strategic priorities dictating company success. Ranking at the top of their strategy, companies will find particularly better results by using digital to position material consistently across channels and to focus on personalized or targeted offers that are available online. The key is consistency.

Making Sense of the Digital Experience Ladder

Become Customer Obsessed. Have you welcomed in the age of the customer? The proliferation of channels (e.g. print, web, mobile, smart TV, etc.) have shifted the already fragmented relationship between marketing and IT.  Businesses wanting sustainable competitive advantages will have to understand how to use customer knowledge to build successful engagements.

Chipotle’s, The Scarecrow Viral Video Pecks at our Guts

Chipotle takes a Fiona Apple bite out of Big Food in their short film The Scarecrow, sparking conversations and spawning food advocacy through advertisement. Having gone viral since it’s debut in September, it’s certainly angered conventional agricultural reps befittingly crying foul play.  But really, you may never want to eat meat again.

Are You Afraid of Transparency?

The idea of corporate transparency isn’t new. But the rules of exposure have changed. This is for social media newbies. Marketing tools have changed since the Internet superhighway has weaved a prolific path through households. It’s time to take a good hard look at your advertising budget. How are you allocating funds? Are you still spending enormous amounts of money on print and commercial advertising? How will your company benefit from the free sites that provide the often sought after omnichannel social networking?

The Digital Age Hacks Your Privacy

The digital age has significantly changed how we share information. Social Media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn provide a multi-media backdrop for our private data. Indeed the lines between privacy and disclosure are often blurry. Privacy is the key issue, coming at us from many directions. It’s not likely to be solved in the near future. The polarizing debate between cyber safety and the right to information privacy has heated up on many fronts. Leading the charge is the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act

How to Get Marketing & Sales Certainty

The digital age has significantly changed how we share information. Social Media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn provide a multi-media backdrop for our private data. Indeed the lines between privacy and disclosure are often blurry. Privacy is the key issue, coming at us from many directions. It’s not likely to be solved in the near future. The polarizing debate between cyber safety and the right to information privacy has heated up on many fronts. Leading the charge is the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act

Moving The CEO Into The Digital Revolution

The Social Media revolution means many things to many people. Age demographics, consisting of the alphabet soup of Gen X, Y, Z, where it is reported that "Digital is in Their DNA” delineates a clear contrast to let’s say, the Baby Boomers. In particular, those Baby Boomer executive leaders and specifically the CEO’s, are reluctant to jump on board this thing called, social or digital media. They were not born with a silicon chip in their DNA.