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The trend is evident: more and more companies are using digital to engage with their customers. Senior management recognizes that digital marketing and customer engagement are becoming top strategic priorities dictating company success. Ranking at the top of their strategy, companies will find particularly better results by using digital to position material consistently across channels and to focus on personalized or targeted offers that are available online. The key is consistency.

4 Success Factors for Companies Embracing Digital

The trend is evident: more and more companies are using digital to engage with their customers. Senior management recognizes that digital marketing and customer engagement are becoming top strategic priorities dictating company success.

Ranking at the top of their strategy, companies will find particularly better results by using digital to position material consistently across channels and to focus on personalized or targeted offers that are available online. The key is consistency.

Boring content is a crime – always has been, always will be. A looming digital repercussion is that boring content is magnified across the omnichannel hemisphere. Even Geritol, the mature adults ‘stimulant’, can have fun despite their less than sexy brand implications.

Finding, developing and populating content is both art and science.

The challenge is finding the right channels. The secret sauce is in how effective you can develop a channel distribution strategy.

Organizational alignment and finding the right talent having the forethought to understand the ever-shifting landscape are obstacles to success. Technology considerations, while one of the key risk factors in evaluating a digital plan, is not as important as the level senior management embraces digital.

Technology will change, but if management can’t lead to the changes, you’ll be left with an empty Geritol bottle and little stimulant.

4 Success Factors for Companies Embracing Digital

  1. Senior management’s interest and attention
  2. Savvy internal leadership
  3. Competent program management
  4. Alignment between organizational structure and goals

Digital success hinges on the ability of senior management to prioritize the digital plan and link it to the organization’s goals.

3 Next steps:

  1. Find the right digital leaders and consider making a CDO role to accelerate the speed of your digital plan.
  2. Monitor results while managing expectations, keeping attention on the digital pulse both inside and outside your organization.
  3. Evolve talent and allow for the growth and expansion of new ideas that support the digital plan.

If interested in the fast track and all else fails, go on an acqui-hiring spree (acquiring small companies for their talent pool) and buy a company to supply the needed talent and appease your big ole oligopolistic self.


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